When I first started taking pictures, I was inspired by my mom's rose garden. My father and I would take photo after photo of the roses, and I learned a lot about myself and photography in the process.
This page I hope showcases some of the amazing flowers, plants and foliage I've been privileged to photograph. I don't always know what the name of the flower or plant is, but I always try to "see" it.
You can find more flower photos on several other pages: Floral Beauty 2022, Summer 2021 Floral Splendour, Floral Beauty, Spring 2021, Floral Beauty, Spring 2020, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, New York Botanical Garden, Governors Island, Snug Harbor and Its Gardens, and Blooming Arizona. And to see hundreds of photos of tulips, visit the blog posting, Tulips in the Wind.
Pink dogwood, Central Park near the Swedish Cottage, April 17, 2022. See more on the Floral Beauty 2022 page.
New York Botanical Garden, October 21, 2021
Autumn leaves 2021, October 19, Staten Island
Rose, Riverside Park, August 28, 2021
Rose, Green-Wood Cemetery, October 31, 2021
Magnolia blossom, Central Park, March 27, 2021
Tulip, Shakespeare Garden, Central Park, May 11, 2020
See more spring flowers photographed during the COVID-19 pandemic below, and on Floral Beauty, Spring 2020.
More Beautiful Flowers: A Portolio, Spring 2020
Iris, the Meer, Central Park, May 31, 2020
The Community Garden at Riverside Park, 2020
One of the places to see beauty during the COVID-19 lockdown is the community garden at Riverside Park, an oasis of visual delight designed with love by dedicated gardeners on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. These photos are from a visit on May 19, 2020, as I once again take inspiration from Georgia O’Keeffe.
Inside a bearded iris in Riverside Park, May 19, 2020
Such a unique color for the bearded iris, Riverside Park, May 19, 2020
Central Park’s Floral Respites, 2020
Pansy, Shakespeare Garden, Central Park, May 4, 2020
May 11, 2020, Shakespeare Garden
Inside the Tulips
The spring of 2020 has been unusual, with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting how often and under what conditions I could photograph flowers and birds and critters. For the most part, I have spent the spring visiting Central Park, maybe two or three times a week. One of the inspirations for my flower photography has been Georgia O’Keeffe, who has inspired me to search inside a flower for the inner truth. I have made several attempts this year to photographs the vibrant tulips, both from the outside and the inside.
My Georgia O’Keeffe-wannabe shot from April 28, 2020, in Shakespeare Garden, Central Park
April 22, 2020
The tulips this year have been gaudy, vibrant, almost obscenely delicious. Sometimes eye candy can be chocolate truffles! These shots were taken in April and May.
April 22, 2020
April 28, 2020
These tulip photos were taken between April 11 and April 28, 2020, all in Central Park.
Pink Dogwood Splendor at the Swedish Cottage
Pink dogwood near the Swedish Cottage, Central Park, April 22, 2020
Pink dogwood bud, April 15, 2020
Following the dogwood as its buds open and bloom. April 11 to April 22, 2020.
Spring Flowers in a Pandemic
We are being asked to stay at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is hitting New York City very hard. For most days I am hunkering down in my hovel, but I have gone out a few times to photograph the flowers in Central Park. I hope that the photos are helping my friends get through these uncertain times.
One the the flowering fruit trees in Central Park, April 6, 2020
This slide show has photos taken April 6, 2020, in Central Park.
These photos were taken April 4, 2020, in Central Park.
Magnolia tree just inside Strawberry Field, Central Park, April 4, 2020
Magnolia blossoms, in white, pink and yellow, April 4, 2020.
Pink magnolia blossom just south of the Lake, near the Boathouse, Central Park, April 4, 2020
Flowering fruit trees, hellebore, Virginia bluebells, daffodils … April 4, 2020, in Central park.
Tiptoeing Through the Tulips, April 4
Tulip, Central Park, April 4, 2020
April Flowers, No April Fools
When the corona virus keeps you inside more than outside, you try to take as many photos as you can when you do get to go outside. I did a walk in Central Park on April 1, 2020, visiting Strawberry Field, the Ramble, Bow Bridge, and Conservatory Pond. The spring flowers were stunning. I’m not sure which fruit trees I photographed, but my favorite shot is the one below, with the forsythia bush blurred out in the background.
Magnolia blossoms, Central Park, April 1, 2020
Magnolias Say It’s Time for Spring
Magnolia blossoms, Central Park, March 20, 2020
Magnolia blossoms, Central Park, March 22, 2020
The white magnolias below were shot on March 20, 2020. The photo group below these were taken in Central Park on March 22, 2020. They include the pink magnolias, peach blossoms, and other flora.
Late Winter/Early Spring 2020
Hellebore (Christmas rose), Central Park near the Shakespeare Garden, March 12, 2020
Summer Colors 2019
Incoming! A bee heads to a sunflower on Cross Bay Boulevard, Jamaica Bay, Sept. 1, 2019.
Cross Bay Boulevard, September 13, 2019
Bug on a bloom, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, September 13, 2019
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, September 13, 2019
The end of summer, 2019. Central Park, Aug. 31.
Sumac berries, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge West Pond, Sept. 13, 2019
July 3, 2019, Central Park
Lotus blossoms, Bethesda Fountain, July 3, 2019
Shakespeare Garden, July 10, 2019
Yucca pods, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, September 13, 2019
Butterfly garden, Central Park, August 14, 2019
Mount Loretto Unique Area, Staten Island, August 19, 2019
Lotus blossom, Bethesda Fountain, July 3, 2019
Shakespeare Garden fireworks, July 10, 2019
Blue skies over the West Pond, September 13, 2019
Butterfly garden, Central Park, August 14, 2019
Mount Loretto Unique Area, Staten Island, August 19, 2019
Some late summer flowers from Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, September 21, 2019.
Sunflower, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, September 21, 2019
The photos in this grid were taken July 3, 2019, in Central Park.
Spring Beauty 2019
Yucca pods, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, April 6, 2019
Magnolia blossom, the grounds of Saint John the Divine, April 11, 2019
Magnolia blossom, Saint John the Divine, April 11, 2019
Flowering fruit tree at Saint John the Divine, April 11, 2019
A tree shows signs of spring foliage, Mt. Loretto Unique Area, Staten Island, April 11, 2019
Floyd Bennett Field 2019
Floyd Bennett Field, January 29, 2019
Two bird’s nests from Queen Anne’s Lace, Floyd Bennett Field, January 29, 2019
Summer Blooms 2018
Sunflower and bee, Governors Island on a wickedly hot day, Sept. 5, 2018
The gardens at Snug Harbor, Staten Island, August 10, 2018
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, July 12, 2018
First seven photos are from Governors Island, last two from Central Park, June 22, 2018
Spring 2018
Central Park, May 21, 2018
Pink dogwood, Central Park, May 6, 2018
Summer Blooms on Governors Island
I did a nice nature walk on Governors Island on Aug. 6, 2017. Here are some of the many wonderful blooms.
Autumn in New York
I shot a video and photographic Ode to Autumn and posted it on Oct. 25, 2016. You can find it on the Central Park: Four Seasons page, or by clicking here.
Here are more of the photos from September and October 2016. The colors were so stunning. I've included a few more on the Bugs and Butterflies page.
This is one of those plants I don't know the name of. But I love the little ant in the background.
These two were taken in March 2016.
This leaf photograph is one of my favorites, from April 2013.
If I Can't Have a Garden, I'll Take Central Park
Central Park is blooming this summer, and the riot of color is almost overstimulating. Georgia O'Keeffe said, “When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment.” That is also the case when you photograph a flower. It makes you really, really look at it.
The photographs that follow are some that made me say "Wow!" when I looked at them when I got home.
I like this shot a lot because it does remind me of Georgia O'Keeffe paintings.
The following two photos were taken April 10, 2013.
Lotus blossoms and water lilies, July 27 (first 2), August 2, and Sept. 8, 2013