I have been playing with some photos of ice on the Central Park Reservoir that I took after Christmas. Normally I don't do that much Photoshopping of my photos, preferring that people can see the animals as they are. But there is a bit of the painter in me, and I have had fun playing with some special effects. Here are the original photos, plus some of the alterations.
Last year I published The Art of Winter in this blog, and this year I decided to take it a bit further. I began applying special effects to see what would happen. These are the beginning experiments. As I keep editing more photos, I will add them to the Ice Art page on this Web site.
Ice sculpture as photographed at the Central Park Reservoir on December 27, 2022.
The same photo, edited in black and white
The photo with the “Monet effect,” with blue added
This photo was then further manipulated to make into more modern, abstract images.
These are colors I always find attractive.
A bit more modern, in more colors I love.
Notice in this next photo the reflection of the ice in the water on the right side of the photo. In the two color versions that follow, notice how that reflection becomes a contemplative Buddha.
Ice in red and yellow (Matisse)
Ice in magenta and orange (Cezanne)
The original, followed by three “paintings”
The original photo. I call the “painting” Monet’s Ice Water Lilies.
I am not sure if this original photo is more or less erotic than the “painting.”
The “painting”