I have been playing with some photos of ice on the Central Park Reservoir I took after Christmas 2022. Normally I don't do that much Photoshopping of my photos, preferring that people can see the animals as they are. But there is a bit of the painter in me, and I have had fun playing with some special effects. In winter of 2021-22, I published The Art of Winter in my blog, featuring photos of ice around the Reservoir, and in winter 2022-23, I decided to take it a bit further. I began applying special effects to the new ice photos to see what would happen.
You can see the original ice photo and the “paintings” that were inspired by various artists (Matisse, Cezanne, Van Gogh, etc.).
The original photo, and below, the “paintings.”
The original photo
I call this “painting” Monet’s Ice Lilies.
Original photo
The “painting”
The original photo has a reflection, on the left, that once the photo is “painted” becomes a rather contemplative Buddha.
I don’t know which is more erotic, this original photo or the “painting,” below.