Susan Kirby

Baby Pictures

There are very few critters cuter than baby birds, and Nickerson Beach on Long Island has provided a nursery for piping plovers, American oystercatchers, black skimmers, common terns, and least terns, and probably several kinds of gulls, for several years. I have spent much of this summer filming the little ones and taking baby pictures. Since the oystercatchers are some of the first chicks to hatch, they are the first to have their own Silly Videos and photo galleries.

Oystercatcher family, June 12, Nickerson Beach

Oystercatcher family, June 12, Nickerson Beach

Several of the beaches in New York have protected areas cordoned off to allow these birds to nest relatively undisturbed. The oystercatchers are usually the first to stake out their breeding homes, and their kids are the first to hatch. If you get too near to the string “ropes” protecting the dunes, the parents will buzz you, and if you don’t go away, they will sometimes stalk you with backs raised or fake a broken wing to distract you from their chicks.

Mama American oystercatcher and two little kiddies, June 4, Nickerson Beach

Mama American oystercatcher and two little kiddies, June 4, Nickerson Beach

There are two videos chronicling the oystercatcher families that I saw on the beach. The first part of The Kids Are All Right shows the families from May second to June 12 and features music by Saint-Saens. The second part also has bassoon accompaniment with music by Jadin and Freithoff.

The oystercatcher kids are just the cutest little birdies I’ve ever seen, and it was so much fun to photograph them. The photos in this slide show were taken June 4 through June 17.

The photos of adult oystercatchers and their youngsters were taken May 2 through July 30.

Narcissism 101

On July 8, I did a photo shoot with Svetlana Jovanovic, a wonderful photographer who is doing a series on women and aging. She took some incredible photos of me, which I have put on my acting page.

Photo by Svetlana Jovanovic, July 2018

Photo by Svetlana Jovanovic, July 2018

Photo by Svetlana Jovanovic, July 2018

Photo by Svetlana Jovanovic, July 2018

I realized I hadn't scanned in a lot of my former headshots, so in a real splurge of narcissism, I have now scanned many of my headshots plus some very early acting shots. The first shot was directly out of acting school at American Academy of Dramatic Arts, in 1973.

Acting head shot, 1973

Acting head shot, 1973

After a couple of years and a hair cut, I got new acting shots, about 1975.

SK 1500  ca 1975.jpg
SK 1500 ca 1975 2 raw.jpg

In 1977, I accompanied Dirck Halstead, the incredible Time magazine photographer, as he photographed the cover and inside photos for a cover story on the Sulzbergers and The New York Times. We became friends, and he and his assistant came to my apartment in the fall of 1977 and took some photos of me that are still my favorites. I have started to scan them in, although I may have to take the larger prints to be scanned by professionals. In the meantime, here are a few.

Photo by Dirck Halstead, 1977

Photo by Dirck Halstead, 1977

Photo by Dirck Halstead, 1977

Photo by Dirck Halstead, 1977

Photo by Dirck Halstead, 1977

Photo by Dirck Halstead, 1977

Photo by Dirck Halstead, 1977. This was my headshot until the mid 1980s.

Photo by Dirck Halstead, 1977. This was my headshot until the mid 1980s.

Around 1986, I got new headshots from a photographer I don't remember, except that it was a horrible experience, and he seemed to think the best photographs were ones that made the actress look like she was about to kill someone. The photos are indeed dramatic, but I hope I am now enough of an actress that you don't have to belittle me to get me furious.

Headshot, about 1986

Headshot, about 1986

In my stroll down Acting Memory Lane, I came across some more performance shots from very early in my career. In 1986, I played Thomasina Q. Turkey in The Owl and the Pussycat, a children's play. Whenever I get too full of myself, I like to look at these photos.

As Thomas Q. Turkey. "I lost the ga in my gobble!" October 1986

As Thomas Q. Turkey. "I lost the ga in my gobble!" October 1986

While looking for headshots, I found two photos taken by Sandy Geis, a friend who worked at The Times in 1980, when I did I've Got Sixpence, by John van Druten, at Seventh Sign Theater with Edward D. Griffith and Violet Lane.

As Inez Cabral in I've Got Sixpence, with Violet Lane as Mrs. Entwhistle, 1980. Photo by Sandy Geis

As Inez Cabral in I've Got Sixpence, with Violet Lane as Mrs. Entwhistle, 1980. Photo by Sandy Geis

As Inez Cabral in I've Got Sixpence, with Edward D. Griffith as Peter Tyndall, 1980. Photo by Sandy Geis

As Inez Cabral in I've Got Sixpence, with Edward D. Griffith as Peter Tyndall, 1980. Photo by Sandy Geis

Ready for the Closeups

We had the great joy on March 1 of watching a first-year red-tailed hawk for a couple of hours fly around, perch on low branches, run around on the ground attacking bark and missing squirrels, then finally fly to a hole in a tree and grab a squirrel. The youngster then ate the squirrel on the ground, before flying out of the Ramble. I was able to get a lot of video and some really nice closeup photos.

First-winter red-tailed hawk, the Ramble, March 1, 2017

First-winter red-tailed hawk, the Ramble, March 1, 2017

I call the video Squirrel Hunt. There is some graphic hawk-dining footage here, so be advised.

Lots and lots of photos. Enjoy!

This is a magnificent bird, and I kept telling anyone who would listen that day, "I live for this!" With all the news about assaults on the environment and elimination of protections for wildlife, I offer these photos and videos as a reminder of what can be lost if we aren't vigilant and willing to fight for these gifts to our lives.