The Grant's Tomb Fledglings, Continued

Part 2 of The Grant's Tomb Fledglings features some playground action, some rain and two siblings waiting for food in a tree!

A Grant's Tomb fledgling at the Claremont Playground, June 23, 2017.

A Grant's Tomb fledgling at the Claremont Playground, June 23, 2017.

Part 2 was filmed on June 23 and 24, at the Claremont Playground, which is north of monument. It is a fun place to play for kids and baby hawks!

I loved when the young hawk perched under the hawk weather vane on top of the restroom building.

More playground photos from June 23. The youngster didn't seem all that happy when it started to rain, although the kid had played earlier in the sprinklers. The last photo in this group was taken June 24.

These two siblings were waiting for a food delivery on June 24.

These two siblings were waiting for a food delivery on June 24.

You know these are urban hawks when they sit on park benches. These shots are from June 24.

Stay tuned for Part 3! These young birds delight me every day!