I've seen several wild turkeys in New York City, the first in 2013 (known by locals as Zelda), and a second in Central Park on April 22, 2017. We nicknamed the wild turkey on April 22 Franklin, in honor of Benjamin Franklin, who we understand wanted the wild turkey to be our national bird. As I’ve traveled around the five boroughs since then, I’ve also seen wild turkeys in the Bronx and on Staten Island.
Franklin, a wild turkey in Central Park, April 22, 2017
I took video of wild turkeys I saw in Pelham Bay Park and Mount Loretto Unique Area, and set it to “Turkey in the Straw,” performed by Woody Regan.
The photos in this slide show were taken on Staten Island on April 8, 2021, at Mount Loretto Unique Area. I was so happy the male displayed for me.
Of course, I did a Filming the Feathers video of the first wild turkey I saw, which I set to music by Max Bruch (VII. Allegro Vivace from 8 Pieces for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, performed by Ben Redwine).
Of course, there are photos of Franklin!
Wild turkey, Central Park, April 22, 2017
The wild turkey I saw in 2013, I found out later, was named Zelda. She was killed by a car about a year later. I was fortunate to have filmed her.