The rose-breasted grosbeaks are frequent visitors to Central Park, but I don't often get a chance to see them or photograph them. I offer photographs and a video from April 2015, September 2015, and September 2016.
These beautiful birds love the jewelweed, and we've seen them at the Oven and at Azalea Pond. They also eat berries, as you'll see in the video. The photos in April 2015 were taken at the feeders, where they were munching on birdseed.
Adult rose-breasted grosbeak, April 28, 2015, at the feeders in the Ramble, Central Park.
The Filming the Feathers video is set to music by Franz Joseph Haydn, performed by Ivan Ilic, and obtained from, a royalty-free music source.
I like the Audubon Web site for more information on these birds, and the Cornell site.
The first two photos, of the adult grosbeak, were shot at the feeders on April 28, 2015. The next three photos were shot September 2015 in the Ramble. The final shot, taken on September 12, 2016, was shot at Tupelo Meadow. In the video, the young male was also seen at Azalea Pond.