Redheads (Aythya americana) are medium-sized diving ducks that feed on submerged aquatic plants and invertebrates. I saw my first redheads on January 18, 2018, at Baisley Pond Park in Queens, New York. I especially like the male's cinnamon head.
A male redhead visited Central Park in 2022 and has stayed into 2023 at the Pool at the north end of Central Park. This slide show shows some of his many expressions. These photos were taken in early 2023.
Redhead, Baisley Pond Park, January 18, 2018
The Filming the Feathers video is set to a Bach partita, performed by Bert Alink and obtained from, a royalty-frere music source.
All the photos were taken January 18, 2018, at Baisley Pond Park.