Marbled godwits (Limosa fedoa) are long-billed shorebirds that use their swordlike bills to dig for aquatic invertebrates and plant tubers along the shoreline. During migration, they use their upturned bills almost exclusively to clip tubers.

Marbled godwit, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, August 11, 2022

This marbled godwit was seen on August 16, 2018, on the beach at Breezy Point, Queens, in the early evening.

Marbled godwit, Breezy Point, Queens, August 16, 2018

Marbled godwit, Breezy Point, Queens, August 16, 2018

The Filming the Feathers video below doesn't have music. The sounds in the background are the ocean and jet skis (the jet skiers were doing jumps that eventually flushed the godwit as well as the sandpipers and other shorebirds feeding in the area).

These photos were all taken on August 16 at Breezy Point.