A pair of least bitterns (Ixobrychus exilis) were seen at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens in June 2020. By the time I was able to get to the nature reserve, one of the bitterns had left. I looked for the remaining bittern one day with no success, but returned on June 22 and was able to make a short video and get a few shots. I got to see another least bittern at Prospect Park in 2022, but the views were not as good.
The Cornell Web site offers this insight into the bitterns in its Cool Facts secton: “When alarmed, the Least Bittern freezes in place with its bill pointing up, turns both eyes toward the source of alarm, and sometimes sways to resemble windblown marsh vegetation.”
Least bittern, Big John’s Pond, Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, June 22, 2020
Least bitterns are herons who hide in the reeds and scoot out to grab fish, then scoot away, something I think you can see in the short video.
Least bittern, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, April 11, 2022
I returned to Big John’s Pond at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge a couple of times later, but unfortunately never got to see the bittern again. These photos are all from June 22, 2020.