A Lapland Longspur at Floyd Bennett Field
Lapland longspurs (Calcarius lapponicus) are delightful songbirds that breed in the High Arctic and spend their winters in fields in Canada and the northern United States eating insects. (“Longspur” refers to the long hind claw.) They are relatively rare in New York City, and when one is seen here, birders travel to the sighting to get a glimpse of the bird and perhaps take a few photos. These are attractive birds even in nonbreeding plumage.
When a Lapland longspur was reported with a flock of great horned larks at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, I headed out on February 6, 2023, with the camera and was fortunate enough for the bird to fly in front of me for a little while and let me take pix and video.
Lapland longspur, Floyd Bennett Field, February 6, 2023