The male house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) is a beautiful red finch during breeding season. We see numerous house finches at the feeders in Central Park, and it is always a joy to see them. They love thistle and black oil sunflower seeds. I haven't yet done the Filming the Feathers video, but one will happen! Meanwhile, some photos.
House finch at the feeders, Central Park, April 1, 2020
House finch at the feeders, Central Park, January 26, 2023
House finch, Central Park feeders, March 29, 2022
House finch at the feeders, Central Park, April 17, 2021
House finch, the feeders, Central Park, April 14, 2021
House finch, the feeders, Central Park, April 22, 2020
Male house finch, Central Park, March 13, 2018
Acrobatic house finches, Central Park, March 14, 2018