The delightful little grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) rarely visits Central Park, so we were charmed by a visit on October 18, 2019, of the little bird near the Oven in the Ramble. I was able to photograph and video the bird in the early evening.
These small sparrows usually stay close to the ground and are found in pastures, open grasslands, hayfields, and prairies. Their primary food in the summer is grasshoppers (thus their name). In the winter, they eat seeds. They have a large beak, a bit disproportionate for their heads.
Grasshopper sparrow at Sparrow Rock, Central Park, April 28, 2020
Grasshopper sparrow, Central Park, April 28, 2020
Grasshopper sparrow, the Ramble, Central Park, October 18, 2019
The Filming the Feathers video shows this little bird in the early evening perched on a tree. At 2:33 in the video, the sparrow is photo-bombed by a male cardinal, pretty much the main action in the film! The music is Tinta Verde by Agustin Bardi and Partita in A minor by Johann Sebastian Bach, both guitar versions performed by Bert Alink and obtained from, a royalty-free music source.