The small field sparrows (Spizella pusilla) are some of the most delightful birds to watch. Their pink conical bills, white eyerings and rusty crowns bob up and down in the grass as they search for grass seeds and insects.
Field sparrow, Central Park, April 13, 2018
Field sparrow, northern Central Park, April 25, 2020
The Filming the Feathers video was shot in October and April 2016, and in April 2018. The music, a tenor recorder arrangement of Joseph Dall'Abaco's capriccios for cello, is performed by Ernesto Schmied.
Field sparrow, Evodia Field, the Ramble, Central Park, April 10, 2021
The photos are from 2016 and 2018, and were all photographed in Central Park.
Field sparrow, Central Park, April 13, 2018