An Eastern Bluebird Dines in Brooklyn
We followed a male eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) as he perched on fences and branches and foraged for food on the ground in Fort Greene Park in Brooklyn on January 18, 2019.
Eastern Bluebirds on Governors Island
These eastern bluebirds were seen November 10, 2022, on Governors Island in New York City.
On October 31, 2018, these bluebirds were hanging out near Fort Jay on Governors Island. Eastern bluebirds eat insects, and in the video you will see one eating a woolly caterpillar. These gorgeous birds, often equated with happiness (at least for me), occur throughout the eastern United States.
Eastern bluebird, Governors Island, October 31, 2018
The music in the Filming the Feathers video is by Rossini (part of the overture to William Tell, performed by the United States Marine Band) and Purcell (excerpt from the Fairy Queen, arranged for recorders and performed by Papalin), obtained from, a royalty-free music source.
These photos were taken October 31, 2018, on Governors Island.