There is absolutely nothing common about common yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas), because these beautiful birds brighten our lives when they come through in spring and fall migration. We like to call them banditos or masked bandits.
Common yellowthroat, the Pool, Central Park, May 19, 2023
Male common yellowthroat, 911 Memorial at World Trade Center, October 9, 2021
The common yellowthroats in this slideshow were photographed in Green-Wood Cemetery May 2 and 4, 2024.
The common yellowthroats in this slideshow were seen during fall migration 2021 at the 911 Memorial at the World Trade Center, Central Park, and Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.
Common yellowthroat, the Pool, Central Park, May 14, 2021
Common yellowthroat, Salt Marsh Nature Trail, Marine Park, Brooklyn, June 27, 2021