Whale-Watching on the American Princess

My birthday present for myself was a trip on the American Princess, which departed at noon on August 23 from Riis Landing on Jamaica Bay, to see humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). We had a very successful adventure, seeing at least two different whales blowing air and coming out of the water. I took video throughout, and I share with you the video compilation and stills pulled from the video.

Humpback whale, seen from the American Princess, August 23, 2018

Humpback whale, seen from the American Princess, August 23, 2018

Humpback whale seen from the American Princess, August 23, 2018

Humpback whale seen from the American Princess, August 23, 2018

The video, very shaky because I was, after all, on a boat in the ocean and hand-holding the camera, is set to music by Audionautrix.

Gotham Whale, a whale research and advocacy organization, has become concerned about potential overfishing of the menhaden, or bunker, fish the whales love. According to Gotham Whale:

“The Omega Fleet recently has been fishing just outside the 3-mile limit of NY/NJ.  They are fishing legally, but we believe threaten the local population of bunker in the area where whales feed.”

The Gotham Whale policy:

“While supporting long term regulatory and policy changes in the actions below, we believe that influencing the Omega Company directly could have an immediate and beneficial effect.  Our strategy is to direct public attention to the problem and exert pressure in terms of public relations for Omega Protein.  We hope the Company will see fit to find other fishing grounds.  Our suggestion would be to fish at least 20 miles from the entrance of NY Harbor.  Gotham Whale has been documenting humpback feeding in this area since 2011 and we would like it to continue.  We are also appealing to the owners of Omega Protein to further persuade them to leave the bunker for the whales.”

To sign the petition, visit: https://gothamwhale.org/petition1/

Summer Splendor at Snug Harbor

Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden is a wonderful retreat on Staten Island that offers 23 historical buildings, including museums, cultural institutions, and nine botanical gardens on 83 acres just a short bus ride from the Staten Island ferry terminal at St. George. I visited on August 10 for the first time, and was rewarded with so many gorgeous flower photos, plus some nice bugs and butterflies. I've now added a Snug Harbor page to this Web site, which you can visit for even more flowers and insects.

My favorite shot from August 10 at Snug Harbor

My favorite shot from August 10 at Snug Harbor

Below are some of the flowers and bugs I loved seeing. I tried in many shots to get as deep inside the bloom as I could, as well as to show the "landscape" of a flower. And I was so excited to get shots of the sulphur butterfly, as well as monarchs.

The "landscape" of a flower

The "landscape" of a flower

Deep inside a bloom

Deep inside a bloom

The interior offers color, and a bug

The interior offers color, and a bug

Sulphur butterfly

Sulphur butterfly

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Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

The Wonderful Wonders of Christmas Monsterland!

Dear, dear readers! Delightful news! Book 16 of the PM Sagas, The Wonders of Christmas Monsterland, has been added to the PM Saga Archives!

In this story, one of the best ever written, if I do say so myself, your Chronicler, to earn a little extra, conducts a tour of PM's homeland. It also includes one of Purple Monsterland's most enduring historical sagas, The Story of the Cave of the Time to Come.

The Saga was first published and painted for Christmas 1992. Check out this Saga, and so many more, on The PM Sagas page. These stories, after all, are the original raison d'être of this Web site.